D A Jones Courier UK Ltd

Full information about Establishment D A Jones Courier UK Ltd at 1079 Mollison Avenue, Enfield, England EN3 7NE. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


1079 Mollison Avenue, Enfield, England EN3 7NE
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Phone number:
+44 20 8804 0948



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D A Jones Courier UK Ltd

Reviews about D A Jones Courier UK Ltd

  • Spar Kle
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I booked a van from DA Jones in July 2016. The driver arrived at the office but did not identify himself, I had to ask if he was from D A Jones. One large item was not ready for transit (beyond my control) so the driver left BUT failed to inform me! The only person the driver spoke to was another courier from another firm, not me the customer, and that courier informed me the DA Jones driver had left. I was left having to haul all the other items to a train station to get them home - they weighed about 100kg! Appalling service. Driver also did not show up with a trolley which I had informed DA Jones would be vital - the other courier was witness to this. Driver denied this to his employers and DA Jones believed him. No apology from DA Jones, just denial. I would most definitely not recommend this firm. Customer service was non-existent/abysmal. No option to leave zero stars otherwise I would have.
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